
The failure of Delta to respond in time on Twitter (or actually any communication channel) is more than irritating, as the airline industry already had its “bad behavior” example beginning this year when Ryanair failed to answer a consumer complaint in a fashionable way. There was a lot of buzz in the marketing community and you would expect an airline like Delta to learn from competitor’s mistakes.

Boeing 767-400ER by Delta Airlines.
Image via Wikipedia

The statement “We will align our social-media strategy to be in sync with our other communication vehicles for the benefit of our customers and employees.” leaves the consumers at least with the hope the industry is going to change soon towards a positive customer experience. However, I wrote such a statement already a couple of months ago after the Ryanair case and obviously nothing has really changed…

Read more on AdAge: Southwest Reaches Out to Reassure Customers, While Angry Passenger Lays Into Delta

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